-Dimensi : 206x90x60 cm -Konstruksi : Plat MS, Pipa, As MS -Head/ Foot rest : Pipa s/ s diameter 1 1/ 4 inch, Polywood 18mm, Varnish - Finishing : Cat Epoxy powder coating - Accesories : Roda 4" ....
We are a trading company for laboratory equipment, chemicals and medical equipment for a leading brand that has been widely used by market. We will always provide the best service to customers....
Melayani pembelian per-pcs. Order dapat diinfokan melalui email: keenanindolaboratory@ yahoo.com
Hidrometer with thermometer, Calibration temperatur at 20 degree Celcius. Brand : ALLA FRANCE. Specifikasi range dapat dilihat pada picture.